I've heard dogs have ticklish spots where they react when you tickle them there. I couldn't find any information on ticklish cats and their possible ticklish spots.
My cat tends to flick his ears if I touched the hair on the edge of his inner ear, but I'm not sure if that's a ticklish reaction or not. Do cats have ticklish spots?
The closest I've seen to ticklishness is the reaction many cats have to having their paws handled -- and they seem to find it more annoying than entertaining.
I've seen cats that like "mock-threat" play with humans -- that will struggle when turned upside down or tossed and caught, for example, yet come right back for more. That isn't ticklishness as most humans would define it, but it's a similar interrupted-defense reaction.
But cats, like people, have their own quirks and opinions. All you can do is ask them whether they like something or not and pay attention to the answer.
Answered By - keshlam