Whenever I get bored I start playing with my cat. And probably it's her favourite past time too.
I tickle my cat, she bites me gently and then starts licking me.
I bring my hand slowly from various angels to quickly touch her. My job is not to let her bite and her job is to anyhow bite.
Sometimes when I am sitting and she is playful mode she suddenly comes running and starts biting my toe.
Sometimes when I am walking she also moves along with me, all the time jumping and biting my toes.
I think she gets immense pleasure in biting me.
I have already vaccinated my cat with all sorts of vaccines.
Now the negative part is at times the biting really hurts and there is cut on skin, though I don't mind it at all.
Now my question is that is it all right to allow my cat do this or should I stop playing with her like this.
Also is this behaviour normal for her?
Short answer, yes. Once in a while wouldn't be so bad, but it sounds like this is a regular thing. If that is the case you are TRAINING your cat that your body parts are a toy. That's probably not your objective. I would strongly suggest redirecting to an actual toy (mouse on a string for example) that is an appropriate outlet for your cat's catch-kill-eat instinct. This is normal behavior in the sense that your cat is responding as a normal cat would to prey. I just doubt that you really want your cat to view your toes as prey. As a side note, vaccinating your cat isn't going to protect YOU. Your cat's mouth is filled with tons of bacteria; if the skin is broken from a bite or a scratch you can end up with a bad infection.
Answered By - The man they call Jayne