When I pet my cat, he often curls his toes, and extends / retracts his claws. I guess it's a sign that he enjoys getting petted, however this is not something I appreciate when he's lying on furniture and his claws scratch and pierce the surface. Normally, he doesn't cause damage to furniture; he likes his scratching post, but this is an exception.
Is there any way to tell my cat to avoid extending his claws when he is being petted, or is the only way to avoid damage to always take him on my lap (not that I appreciate him clawing my clothes either)? Is there another way to prevent this?
This behavior is known as "kneading", and is an instinctive behavior that stems from feeding on its mother's milk. Kittens knead at their mother to stimulate milk production while feeding, and the behavior tends to reoccur whenever they are feeling extremely relaxed and contented.
Not all cats maintain this behavior into adulthood, but many do.
Since it is both instinctual, and reinforced during early kittenhood, it is unlikely you will ever train your cat to stop. However, a solution that may work is to get your cat his own blanket.
One of our cats kneads pretty regularly, even when no one is petting her. She does so most often on a soft red throw blanket, that we keep on the back of the sofa (one of her preferred resting/kneading spots) for that very purpose. This avoids damage to the furniture, and when company comes over, we can just put the blanket away.
Answered By - Beofett