I've recently gotten a bunny, less than a week, and I researched a lot before getting it. I bought a large cage, timothy hay, Zupreme rabbit food... As soon as I brought him from the shelter, I filled his water bottle, his food bowl, and the hay disposal. On the first day he was really scared, so he spent most of the day on his hiding spot. But on the second day, I noticed he ate quite a bit of hay and drank the water. However, I feel like he isn't eating much of the pellet. As soon as I put cabbage or carrots, he eats them straight away, but I feel like he is barely touching his food. How much are they supposed to eat? Am I over reacting? He is 5 months old and 3.7 pounds
There is a very good chance that the pellets your rabbit was being fed prior to your adopting it was different. As long as he is eating hay and drinking water you are fine. I would try to make sure he has as much hay as he will eat. See this answer on another question for more information on how to best transition your rabbit to the new feed.
If you stop giving him treat foods eventually he will start eating pellets more regularly. Right now the pellets are not something his gut is used to so it may take some time for his belly to adjust. Keep free feeding him hay, and make sure hay and pellets are the only foods he has to eat. Once he starts eating the pellets regularly I would start treating with Dandelion greens and/or parsley. Those are nice easy foods for the rabbit and ones he will love.
Answered By - Critters